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Rescued Horses May Have
the Most Important Jobs of All
Recently, we had the privilege of personally witnessing the effects our horses have on humans. Last spring, an employee of the Devereaux Cleo Wallace Center of Westminster asked me if some of their children could volunteer at HPL. For those of you who aren’t familiar with Devereaux, the center has become the Rocky Mountain region’s most comprehensive psychiatric center for children and adolescents. Devereaux serves approximately 120 youths identified as being at risk of needing out-of-home placement. Their clients suffer from emotional and behavioral disorders, and many have a history of self-injurious behavior or suicidal intentions. more…
Fire Lessons: Get Prepared Now
The area was taken by surprise last summer when a fireworks accident on Golden’s North Table Mountain resulted in the mesa being engulfed in flames, threatening homes and causing the evacuation of three boarding stables. Thankfully, there were no human or animal casualties, but for those who own or handle animals, there are many lessons to be learned from this and previous Colorado fires. Shiloh Farms owner, Debbie Pirnack, and barn manager, Tracy Horner, offered to share their experience of evacuating 65 horses and provide tips to help you prepare for an emergency. more…
Horse Slaughter Ban Update – from The Humane Society of the United States
On October 27, a horse slaughter ban that’s been steadily moving towards Congressional approval cleared yet another key hurdle on its way to final passage – approval by a U.S. Senate and House conference committee. Before the committee approved the 2006 Agriculture Appropriations bill, which contains the slaughter ban as an amendment, there had been talk of stripping the slaughter ban from the bill, despite the ban’s overwhelming support in both House and Senate votes earlier this year.
For more information, visit: http://www.hsus.org/legislation_laws/citizen_lobbyist_center/system_works.html?print=t or go to https://community.hsus.org/campaign/2005_horse_slaughter2 and fill out a form to send to your Congressperson and Senators.